Wednesday, 25 March 2015

“Rutile Is Widely Used In The Optical Industry,” VV Mineral Mining

Rutile is primarily composed of titanium dioxide (TiO2) and is a mineral found in igneous environment, sandy beaches and such similar surroundings. It is useful in the manufacture of a few optical elements. It is especially used in polarization optics. VV Mineral Mining is the only company in Tamil Nadu, India to manufacture Rutile.

Wednesday, 18 March 2015

“An Honest Man Can Afford To Be Unafraid,” Says Vaikundarajan
“On the occasion when my anticipatory bail was cancelled, most people close to me believed that this would crush me. However, an honest man has very little to fear,” says VV Mineral Vaikundarajan

He continues, “The case has been registered by the Central Bureau of Investigation or the CBI and of course many other governmental authority bodies are involved in this.”

“To a lay man’s eye, I definitely must seem like the bad person in the whole deal. However, none of these people have seen me when I am on ground working hard. I and my company are on the largest contributors to our state’s wealth and health”

“As per the case, several crores of rupees are at stake but above all is my image which until before this was non-existent. Only the ones that I worked with closely are aware of my daily routines and ideological make up.”

“I don’t expect everyone to understand this but I am going to remain positive, un-shaken and unbroken through all of this.”

“My brother, might not be as strong as me but we are being a good support for each other. Justice G Chokkalingam dismissed my petition and I have no hard feelings for that. After all, he is doing his ‘karma’ and I am living mine.

VV Minerals India is the largest manufacturer and exporter of Garnet, Zircon, Rutile, Sillimanite and Ilmenite and we don’t plan to back down any time soon.

Monday, 9 March 2015

“Our Family Business Feeds Thousands Of Families Which Is An Overlooked Fact” Says Vaikundarajan

 In the recent wake of the illegal beach mining allegations made against VV Minerals and its proprietor Mr. S Vaikundarajan, has created an upheaval across the country. Not just the sand mining baron but even political personalities such as Jaylalitha have been dragged into this mess.

VV Mineral has been mining on the coasts of Tamil Nadu for over 15 years now. It is absolutely improbable that a respectable family of businessmen would overlook necessary details of licensing, issuances, permissions and environmental laws.

The company has paperwork to prove the legality of their practices. They have been working within the parameters of sand mining rules and regulations. While at it, the Vaikundarajan family and their business VV Minerals has been responsible in generating jobs for locals and have been the reason why many families go to sleep well fed, every night.

Vaikundarajan sees these allegations as an effort in maligning his image by his rivals. He is of the strong belief that since he has always remained out of the media glare his rivals saw an opportunity to weave a story of their liking since very little public knowledge exists around Vaikundarajan and his personal life.

Thus, Vaikundarajan would request all to just remember that he is not a cold-minded businessman as is being portrayed but indeed a man of stature and bearing whose endeavour has changed the lives of many.

Tuesday, 3 March 2015

We Have Never Refuted The Fact That There’s Nuclear Gold In The Sands Found Along The Tamil Nadu Coast”, Says VV Minerals Vaikundarajan
In recent times the importance of thorium and monazite has come in to the purview of Indian scientists as an effective source to solve the long-standing and fast-approaching energy crisis in the country and across the globe.

When VV Minerals was brought under the radar of Indian Rare Earth Limited (IREL) and Atomic Energy Regulatory Board (AERB) it was alleged that the company is indulging in monazite and thorium separation without the necessary clearances, certification or processes for waste disposal.

However, VV Mineral continued to remain upright on the matter. When a company deals with heavy mineral mining they are bound to apply for all necessary licensing and certificates. As was discovered by the IREL later that VV Mineral has applied for a certificate to the AERB and has received no appropriate response from the authorities.

After which the garnet, ilmenite, rutile and zircon mining company was put in the clear. Even though the governmental bodies claim that VV Mineral India is in the wrong, the company has questioned these alleged conclusions in the Delhi High Court and are positively awaiting a clean chit on the matter.

Since, VV Minerals ensures that waste-disposal is done in an orderly manner and can surely claim that no harm was brought upon the surrounding and its dwellers through their operations.